Facts About the Perfect Bit

The Horse Bit That Is Truly Unique

We get a lot of questions from people and they say, “Why do you have all the different mouthpiece linked to shank if it’s the perfect bit?” What makes it perfect is the mechanics. The ball joint allows independence from each side therefore the mouthpiece isn’t hitting the roof of the horses mouth.

Bits are designed to give signals and then apply pressure in a certain area. So if you look at your bit and think, mechanically, what’s different from about this bit, the majority are all going to be the same.

The point is, sometimes when we buy things, we don’t even know why we’re buying it. People come in the booth and say, “I want that bit.” And I ask them why. The reason I want to do that… I don’t want them to buy something that’s not going to work or for the intentions they’re buying it. That’s not the mechanics of that bit. So I always ask why they want to buy that one.

I encourage you to look at yours and see where the pressure’s being applied and how much is being applied. So you don’t wind up buying several different bits and they’re all really the same thing. And when we use a bit, we have that in mind –I know I’m going to apply this amount of pressure in this area and this is the result I want.

So I encourage you to look at the mechanics of your bits, understand them, put yourself in the horse’s position.

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